Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Creating the waterfront district

I thought that I would attempt to chroncicle the creation of the waterfront district. I had already started some of it, some of the street paving, the tracks are laid, the cut-out for the harbor is done & some of the buildings are done. The waterfront district also has the the engine yard & round house. Some of the business' in the district are an ore dock, a fuel dealer, some fishing business', Saulenas Tavern, the Anvil Bar, a pawn shop, a rescue mission/church, a boarding house, Velitkovskys Distributors/ heavy shipping, Coldwater Seafood Products, Geo Roberts Household Porducts. There will also be a lighthouse at the end of the pier. Stay tuned & we'll see how this work out. I've attached a link to other photo's on this entry.

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